Monday, March 26, 2012

Homemade Fruit Fly Trap

Homemade Fruit Fly Trap! It really works!
We have had the worst problem lately with fruit flies and bugs in the house. We have horses behind our house and were wondering if maybe thats why there is such an abundance. They are so annoying and no matter how much I clean and keep the dishes done, they are everywhere. Earlier today I ran across this on pinterest and thought I would give it a try. After 30 minutes, I already had 6 bugs in it! I made 4 of them and put them around the house. My next thought it to figure a way to make a trap that looks prettier than a jar with some paper. But heres how you make it.

You will need:
An empty jar
1/2 inch of apple cider vinegar
piece of a banana
rolled up paper, i used newspaper

Put the apple cider vinegar and banana in the jar. Roll up some paper but dont let the tip touch the apple cider vinegar. I taped around the edges of the jar so there is no opening. They say that the bugs will go in, but will never go out. Guess they arent smart enough to leave? or as my fiance said, why would they want to...they love vinegar! After you get a lot of bugs in the jar you can freeze it to finally kill them. Once you take it out of the freezer, you can still use the same vinegar and banana, no need to replace. I have a feeling this is definitely going to help our bug problem!

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